I thought I was prepared when I read every book in my local library about pregnancy, labor, birth and breastfeeding. I thought I was prepared for motherhood, since I had wanted a baby for so long. What I found out was nothing can prepare you for the roller-coaster ride that motherhood is. It's thrilling, a little scary, sometimes painful, but I definately want more!
Our first 3 weeks of breastfeeding were very challenging. I never thought of switching to formula because for me that was not an option. For 3 weeks I pumped and syringe-fed my newborn to keep up my milk supply and to not confuse him by using different nipples. Once he got the hang of it, we both were a lot more relaxed and happy.
One of the biggest supports in my life, besides my family, is
La Leche League. Their info can be found on
www.llli.org My friend LV had mentioned it to me I was still pregnant and her little one was about 4 months old. I ended up not going to that meeting, but I went when my little guy was just 6 days old. I haven't missed a meeting since. I have made wonderful friends, and have learned so much from other more experienced mothers.
A whole new world opened up for me that I hadn't really thought about before. Cloth-diapering, midwives, homebirth, co-sleeping and slings (baby-wearing) just to name some off the top of my head. I'm sure a lot of the moms have modeled mothering skills for me and have picked stuff up without realizing it.
I love being a mom, and I have learned a lot. I'll be a lot more settled when we have baby #2, at least when it comes to baby care. Now how to juggle time and attention between 2 needy kids, that'll be a whole other story!